Deskripsi Produk
Deskripsi :
Certifications/Compliance : ASTM D4057, D6074 or ASTM D1265
Product Type : Petroleum Bacon Bomb Sampler
For Use With (Application) : Obtains samples from storage tanks, tank cars and drums
When the thief strikes the bottom of the tank, a plunger assembly opens to admit the sample. The plunger closes again when the bomb is withdrawn, forming a tight seal. Samples can be taken at any depth with the use of a secondary trip line. Equipped with plunger locking cam for tight closure during transport.
Sieze: 16 oz ( 473 ml )
Outside Diameter (O.D.) 2 inch
in. (cm.) 7 cm
Overall Length in. (cm.)12 1/32 inch ( 30,6 cm )
Shipping Weight lbs (kg) 9 lbs(4,1 kgs )
Price : Net Price Franco Jakarta, excluded Metrology Calibration Certificate
fast resfon:08118818890; WA/hp
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